Tags » Stockholm

For the first time we, the kids, Ensar and I flew together. We arrived to Stockholm last  Tuesday and hoped for snow, but it was nowhere to be seen. One of the highlights in Stockholm was the Technical museum. The kids loved it. There were so many (More)
The moment I heard of Aquaria water museum I wanted to visit the it and finally it happened. There is this special frog exhibition and I thought that the kids would love it so  we went there.  Even though the museum is quite small I found it won (More)
And so it came :D I tako dodje! (More)
Today was Adrians first flight ever and typically it took ages. I actually think I've never travelled so long to get to Sweden. We left Karlsruhe around 12h and arrived around 19.30h . They where awake the whole journey. At home the kids where so exc (More)
au wrote: Airberlin
A couple of days before departure I always have a feeling of expectation. How will the flight be ( I don't like flying), how will the stay be, how will the weather be. Mentally I am tuned in on the trip. When I got an email from the company that m (More)
I sit in the train to Stockholm, totally hyped. My body is feeling like I have taken some drugs making me FULL of energy. I giggle for myself, noticing people watching me as a drunk teenager. I cannot believe I am alone without Ada to take care of. F (More)
I think I never  experienced  a nicer  swedish  national  day. The weather  was perfect. The concert  was fantastic. We hade the  honour  to listen  to the royal  opera, choir  and balet  for free. There  were  activites, like trying b (More)
When I was in Stockholm I took a walk in the famous Mall of Scandinavia. I love to stroll around in interior shops in Sweden. They make simple things look beautiful. I guess that is why Scandinavian design has become so famous around the world. Here (More)
I haven´t been to Barkarby outlet for years so when my dad suggested we should go there I took the opportunity. We didn´t have so much time before I had to pick up Ada but we have enough to spend some money :P I bought a pair of Ecco shoes with gre (More)
Yesterday, me and Ada arrived in Stockholm. I felt in the morning I was getting the cold but hoped for the best. The flight was super, and Ada was sleeping the whole way. Today though, I am k.o. So now I will just relax and drink tea... Love the v (More)
Madonna je jedna ziva legenda, i smatram da je u istom rangu i jedini koji joj je mogao parirati je bio Michael Jackson...Govorila sam kao mala da ako vec budem isla na koncert da bih najradije na njihove koncerte isla. Prije ljeta sam saznala da Mad (More)
Danas je jedan jako vazan dan mom dragom i mojoj sestri rodjendan..zelim im oboje svu srecu svijeta i da budu zivi i zdravi jos makar 100 ;) Toliko vazan dan da je cak i Madonna po prvi put dosla da odrzi koncert ovdje u Stockholmu :D Svima ugo (More)
au wrote: Minhen
Nisam nesto dobro spavala. Legla sam kasno, dok sam sve spakovala trebal mi vremena.Odspavala sam 2-3 h. Trebale smo Ada i ja krenuti na aerodrom u 6.30h pa nisam mogla uzivati u dugom jutru. Haj sve to, nego sam sanjala isto. Horor san. Sanjala sam (More)
ra wrote: Stockholm
To vam je glavni grad Kraljevine Svedske. Osnovan je 1252., a ja sam bio u kuci koja je napravljena 1726. Sastoji se od 14. ostrva (sve mi se cini, al' guglajte, sta vam fali) i ima idealnu klimu za namcore poput mene. Iako sam vec bio i ran (More)
ra wrote: Think bigger
Znate sta, uopce me ne cudi sto je Bosna u situaciji kakva jeste. I ne, nisu krivi nikakvi politicari, losa sudbina, marsovci ili sta ti ja znam. Pored ovolike Bosne, ja trebam zapucati u Zagreb, radi prilicno jednostavnog posla. Ovdje u Bos (More)
Today, I was thinking about how amazing machines airplanes are, when it comes to travelling from A to B. This morning me and Ada were eating breakfast in Munich, playing with the cousins in the afternoon and eating dinner in Stockholm. Only bad thing (More)
again...This morning started very stressful. I didn´t manage to pack yesterday so I had to do it this morning. Despite bad planning we somehow managed to be in time at the airport. I was convinced that I am tooo early and that I have another 1h for (More)