Tags » Bosnia

Farah dermatological cosmetic center Tuzla- Massages and facial treatments: If you are around in Tuzla, there is this awesome place to get massage! In general I am a fan of massages, facial treatments and all things connected to "spa life". I am sur (More)
Kako je Ada bila bolesna, tako nisam puno nesto stigla ni pisati. Sad smo stigli i u Minhen ali ipak me vuce da nesto i o Krupi zapisem. Uvijek se pitam kako bi Krupa izgledala da se nalazi recimo u Svedskoj, Svicarskoj, Njemackoj ili Austriji. Imamo (More)
Istanbul 2.Prag 3.Dubai   4.Marocko/Marrakesh (Royal Mansour Marrakesh)   5.Maldives   6.St.Petersburg 7.Teheran 8. Iceland 9. Scottland 10. Nekropolis Bosnia (More)
au wrote: Munich..
First Sweden, then Bosnia and now Germany. We just arrived in Munich. I was happily surprised that everything went well going on a road trip with the little one.  It was the first time we went on a longer trip (Bosnia-Munich, Germany) by car. Ada wa (More)
After warm and sunny Sweden (it was warm while I was there) I have now moved to the southern (colder) part of Europe. After a tough day (went to bed at 1.30h , up at 6.00h , flied Stockholm-Belgrade, spent a few hours there, took a car to Bosnia –T (More)