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Prevod: Nije dovoljno biti vrijedan. I mravi su. Pitanje je: Oko čega smo vrijedni (zauzeti)/ (Šta toliko radimo)? (More)
...but you check her teeth up before you buy her. I couldn't sleep this night and in the middle of the night I suddenly remember my late grandfather saying these words " a cow is a cow but check her teeth up before buying her". Great quote actually c (More)
hathor wrote: Ibracadabra mentality
We do things we have to believe in, if we don´t believe if you think you will fall down, break your leg, then don´t do it... By Zlatan Ibrahimovic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ln35qLphK4I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6wDpOxB5BM (More)