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A couple of years back I did one of the best things I have ever done for me. I went to a life coach. I felt quite lost and I had forgotten what I want and what I like at all. I felt caught like a squirrel in the wheel and life was just running away (More)
lily wrote: *
Zlato, Uhvati ritam i razlij se u meni Jer svaki moj vrhunski krik Dokaz je ljubavi Dok nosiš me rukama po svemiru Gdje se zvijezde sudaraju.     (More)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiore9Z5iUg Lyrics to Prayer In C Ya, you never said a word you didn't send me no letter don't think i could forgive you see, our world is slowly dying i'm not wasting no more time don't think i could believe yo (More)